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Help Transform Lives in 2025

NAMI Orange County is dedicated to improving the lives of the people of our community affected by mental illness. We strive to create a better tomorrow—a tomorrow where all people affected by mental illness can experience hope, recovery and wellness in a world free of stigma.

When you make a financial contribution to NAMI, you’ll help us make that tomorrow a reality. You’ll help ensure that no individual or family is alone on their mental health journey. And you’ll help provide a national network of support and resources, both online and in communities across the country.

Consider making a tax-deductible donation to NAMI Orange County to help us continue to change lives in 2025.



NAMI OC WarmLine - (714) 991-6412

Now Available
24 Hours Daily / 7 Days a Week
Call, text or chat anytime!

This is a free and confidential telephone service providing emotional support and resources to Orange County residents.



Mentoring Program

Personal one-on-one
support with a trained mentor

PEER MENTORING SERVICES pairs you with one of our trained mentors at a prearranged meeting time that is convenient for you. Your experienced mentor will offer practical advice, support and resources during your calls.

This program is designed for both peers and family members. To learn more and sign up, CLICK HERE.



We are now offering Signature Classes, Support Groups and Events via Zoom and In-Person

With the changes Orange County Health Department guides have provided, NAMI-OC Signature Classes, Support Groups and Events will be held in-person OR via ZOOM. Please view the flyer on our Calendar Page for the event you are interested in attending for details.


Ahora ofrecemos grupos de apoyo en español.